The Biochemical Society s close partnership with the Royal Society of Biology RSB means that the following member categories can benefit from a 50 discount for their first two years of individual RSB membership. Please see below Early Career 50 discount. Full Membership 50 discount. Emeritus Membership 50 discount. Society Discounts for APCs. Some societies offer discounts on Article Publication Charges APCs . Discount programs vary by society and journal. If you are a member of a society listed below, please contact the society and your chosen journal to learn more and request the society discount code that you will need when paying your APC. To apply this discount, contact us with the name of the eligible society you are a member of and your membership number with them, so that we can verify this. Gift Aid Donating through Gift Aid means as a charity, the Royal Society of Biology can claim an extra 25p for every 1 you give. Fellow FRSB 193 One off application fee of 18 Discounts of up to 50 are available to those who are in full-time education, retired, unemployed or on a career break, as well as for members of an RSB Member Organisation. The Royal Society of Biology s Council is responsible for electing new … Discounted membership of the Royal Society of Biology for Biochemical Society members. The Biochemical Society s close partnership with the Royal Society of Biology RSB means that members can benefit from a discount of 50 for their first two years of individual RSB membership.. The RSB is a single unified voice for biology advising Government and influencing policy advancing education … 12 . https blogs putting- a- human- face- on- customer- effort . This duplicity, or multiplicity, is nothing new in politics. Politicians have long tried to be many things to many people, whether they re eating kielbasa in Milwaukee, quoting the Torah in Brooklyn, or pledging allegiance to corn-based ethanol in Iowa. But as Romney discovered, video cameras can now bust them if they overdo their contortions. Says Dr. Ehrenberg A cut-price offer can induce people to try a brand, but they return to their habitual brands as if nothing had happened. Bookmarking What did I expect? The truth is that before Roy materialized in my living room, I had forgotten that he was real. For the last two years, he was only an idea to me, this husband of mine who didn t count. He had been away from me longer that we had been together. I d convinced myself that there were laws limiting responsibility. When I sent Andre to Louisiana, I hoped that maybe Roy would choose not to come to Atlanta at all, that he would send for his things, that I would be a memory to him in the way that he was a memory for me.