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And Scott Serfas for the amazing shot of Travis Rice that graces this cover. 25 . https projects 9666- this- is- wholesome . Four pitches into the descent, all that listening to his intuition paid off. Potter s ears started ringing. He looked up he just knew. A few seconds later there was a deep booming crack and rocks started to fall. Slabs the size of dining room tables were pulling free and tumbling down. A good-size chunk was heading straight for his head. Now you are probably asking How do we do it? Do we wait until something bad happens to try the surprise-and-delight tactic? Do we comb the Internet looking for opportunities that might lead to a great story? You can. A good digital listening tool will help with not only getting ahead of a potential crisis, but finding potential opportunities to surprise and delight. But how about being proactive about it? Follow the examples of Grand Hyatt and Residence Inn and proactively ask your customers what they want and then deliver it! Because so many people are on Twitter, it s one of the best places to go to hear what customers are saying. Before we get into the nitty-gritty of how to use social listening, let s first discuss some of the benefits. Here are some important reasons to use Twitter to monitor your customers online conversations Gain insight into how customers feel about products and services. You can search Twitter to learn who is talking about your products and services. By monitoring these conversations, you can discover how people are using your products, what type of experiences they re having, and what, if any, improvements need to be made. Respond to customer questions. Many customers find it easier to reach out on Twitter and ask 140-character questions than to commit to email. Sometimes, instead of reaching out to the brand, they ll ask other people about their experiences and whether they recommend using your brand. Monitoring these conversations allows you to listen in and even participate. Handle customer complaints. Much to the chagrin of businesses everywhere, customers take their complaints online when they are disgruntled. Although no one ever wants to see her company associated with negativity, it s a chance to show off customer service skills and gain new customers as a result. Grow your online community. By monitoring conversations where people are discussing topics related to your brand, you can share wisdom, expertise, and product information, growing your online community and customer base in the process. Gauge the effectiveness of your customer service. By monitoring online conversations, you can see how your customer service teams are handling online inquiries. Moreover, you can also see what customers and potential customers are saying about them on Twitter. See how campaigns are working. One way to gauge how sales and marketing campaigns are working is to see how people are responding to them on Twitter. You can monitor to see what kind of buzz is happening and whether people are sharing. Collect important demographic information. Use Twitter to determine important information about your customers. For example, do the people who talk about your brand fall into a certain age group? Track sentiment on a regular basis. Start a spreadsheet and take note of sentiment for specific days, weeks, months, and years. Learn your customers frequently asked questions about your company. Knowing what your customers are asking helps you to shape your campaigns, content, and business. Note competitors. Monitoring Twitter chatter is a good way to gauge the popularity of competitors, how their campaigns are working, how they interact with their customers online, and online sentiment towards their brands. Meet potential brand advocates. As your brand and Twitter account gain in popularity, you ll notice a few diehard fans. These are your brand advocates. When you communicate and share discounts with them, they ll continue to sing your praises online. Improve upon products and services. Because people like to air grievances on Twitter, you can use social listening as a way to gather information and use it to make your products and services even better.